Gypsy’s Upcoming Season Available Now!
The rest of the 2024 season coming soon to our site:
June 2024:
Friends in High Places
A Comedy play about what happens when Aliens land on the Mall in Washington D.C.
August 2024:
Planet Grover,
A Comedy Variety Show Featuring Grover Silcox
September 2024:
Gino Mozzarella, The Godfather of Magic
Featuring Magician Danny Archer
October 2024:
Edgar Allan Poe and the Flip Side of Comedy
A Fun, Beautiful and Erie focused on the life and writings of Edgar Allan Poe, Featuring Grover Silcox
December 2024:
Dancer the Footloose Reindeer
A comedy Christmas musical where Dancer makes mischief and the wacky results in the toy factory.